There are several articles available in which I describe my experiences in terms of observation in the wild and how I keep Garter snakes and cultivation.
I will also give links to publications of others that are mentioned on this website.
See below on this page for the list of all publications…
Observations in the wild and in captivity on the Mexican Alpine Blotched Garter Snake Thamnophis scalaris Cope, 1861a
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Mating activity and unusual mating behavior in Thamnophis scalaris.
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Some observations on Garter Snakes (Thamnophis spp.) in Colorado, USA
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Hibernating Garter Snakes: a must or an option?
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Breeding and care in captivity of the Santa Cruz Garter Snake, Thamnophis atratus atratus (Kennicott, 1860).
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Exciting observations on two sympatric Garter Snakes in “La Laguna de Chapala”, Mexico.
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The rediscovery of Thamnophis eques insperatus (the Zacapu Mexican Garter) in Zacapu, Michoacán, Mexico.
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Scott’s Mexican Garter Snake (T. eques scotti, Conant, 2003) in the wild and in captivity.
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Redstripe Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus (Rossman, 1963) in the wild and in captivity.
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A rare and fascinating species of garter snake: the Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake Thamnophis scaliger Jan, 1863
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European Water Snakes and the competitive exclusion principle…
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The article: “19. Bol, S., 2007. Breeding and care in captivity of the Santa Cruz Garter snake Thamnophis atratus atratus Kennicott, 1860)” …can be used as my most recent care sheet about Gartersnakes and it will hopefully answer many basic questions about care in captivity
Publications of Steven Bol
- Bol, S., 1984. Herpetologische waarnemingen in de oostelijke Cevennen. Lacerta 42(7): 142-143
- Bol, S., 1987. Verzorging en kweek van de Adderringsslang Natrix maura (Linnaeus, 1758). Reptilia 1: 24-31.
- Bol, S., 1988. Verzorging en kweek van de Adderringsslang Natrix maura (Linnaeus, 1758). Deel 2. Reptilia 2: 3-14.
- Bol, S., 1992. De reptielen en amfibieën op Samos. Lacerta 50(4): 134-139 & Lacerta 50 (5):1622.
- Bol, S., 1993. De gebandeerde waterslang (Nerodia fasciata) in het terrarium. Lacerta 52: 2-10.
- Bol, S., 1996. Ringslangachtigen en kousenbandslangen. Lacerta’s Beginnersgids: 67-70.
- Bol, S., 1996. Melanistische Kousebandslangen; inteelt, uitval en vererving van het melanisme. The Garter Snake 1 (3): 18-25.
- Bol, S., 1997. The melanistic “common garter snake” in the outdoor terrarium (part1). The Garter Snake 2 (2): 2-8.
- Bol, S., 1997. The melanistic “common garter snake” in the outdoor terrarium (part2). The Garter Snake 2 (3): 8-22.
- Bol, S., 1998. Some observations on Garter Snakes (Thamnophis spp.) in Colorado. The Garter Snake 3 (1): 11-23.
- Bol, S., 1998. De Dobbelsteenslang (Natrix tessellata tessellata) in het terrarium en in de natuur. Lacerta 56(5): 177-194.
- Bol, S., 2000. Some observations on Garter Snakes in Western Texas and Southeastern New Mexico. Part 1: Big Bend National Park-The Chisos Mountains. The Garter Snake 5 (1): 10-17 + 19.
- Bol, S., 2000. Some observations on Garter Snakes in Western Texas and Southeastern New Mexico. Part 2: The Davis Mountains. The Garter Snake 5 (3): 21-26.
- Bol, S., 2001. Some observations on Garter Snakes in Western Texas and Southeastern New Mexico. Part 3: The Guadalupe Mountains. The Garter Snake 6 (1): 10-15 + 17a.
- Bol, S., 2001. Additional observations on the Black Necked Garter Snake Thamnophis cyrtopsis in the Big Bend National Park and a comparison with a population of Thamnophis cyrtopsis from the Guadalupe Mountains in New Mexico. The Garter Snake 6 (2): 10-18.
- Bol, S., 2001. Herpetological observations on the Edwards Plateau in central Texas; the habitat of the Redstripe Ribbon Snake (Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus). The garter snake 6 (3): 4-14.
- Bol, S., 2002. Observations on Thamnophis atratus atratus and Thamnophis elegans terrestris in San Mateo County, California. The garter snake 7 (2): 3-8.
- Bol, S., 2004. Hibernating Garter Snakes: A must or an option. The garter snake 9 (2): 3-11. (Rewritten… in 2016)
- Bol, S., 2007. Breeding and care in captivity of the Santa Cruz Garter Snake Thamnophis atratus atratus (Kennicott, 1860) Part 1. The garter snake 12 (2): 48-53.
- Bol, S., 2007. Verzorging en kweek van de Santa Cruz Kousebandslang Thamnophis atratus atratus. Lacerta 65(5): 200-217.
- Bol, S., 2007. Breeding and care in captivity of the Santa Cruz Garter Snake Thamnophis atratus atratus (Kennicott, 1860) Part 2. The garter snake 12 (3): 30-36.
- Bol, S., 2007. Breeding and care in captivity of the Santa Cruz Garter Snake Thamnophis atratus atratus (Kennicott, 1860) Part 3. The garter snake 12 (4): 18-27.
- Bol, S., 2007. Thamnophis eques cuitzeoensis, the “Lake Cuitzeo Garter Snake”. The garter snake 12 (4): 46-50.
- Bol, S., 2010. Exciting observations on two sympatric garter snakes in “la Laguna de Chapala”, Mexico. ( Part 1 of 2). The garter snake 15 (1): 16-27.
- Bol, S., 2010. The short-headed garter snake: a difficult species to keep? The garter snake 15 (1): 33-35.
- Bol, S., 2010. Exciting observations on two sympatric garter snakes in “la Laguna de Chapala”, Mexico. ( Part 2 of 2).
The garter snake 15 (2): 10-19. - Bol, S., 2010. Unexpected activity of Thamnophis sirtalis in the middle of the winter in an outdoor terrarium. The garter snake 15 (2): 27-28.
- Bol, S., 2011. Fascinerende waarnemingen aan twee sympatrisch voorkomende kousebandslangen in “La Laguna de Chapala”, Mexico. Litteratura Serpentium 31 (1): 5-42.
- Bol, S., 2012. De herontdekking van Thamnophis eques insperatus (de Zacapu Mexicaanse Kousebandslang) in Zacapu, Michoacán, Mexico. Lacerta 70(2): 48-63.
- Bol, S., 2012. The rediscovery of Thamnophis eques insperatus (the Zacapu Mexican Garter Snake) in Zacapu, Michoácan, Mexico. The garter snake 17 (1): pp-pp.
- Bol, S and H. Bruchmann, 2012. Scott’s Mexican Garter Snake (Thamnophis eques scotti; Conant, 2003) in the wild and in captivity (part 1 of 2). The garter snake 17 (3): 15-25.
- Bol, S and H. Bruchmann, 2012. Scott’s Mexican Garter Snake (Thamnophis eques scotti; Conant, 2003) in the wild and in captivity (part 2 of 2). The garter snake 17 (4): 24-31.
- Bol, S., Roodgestreepte lintslang, Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus (Rossman, 1963) in het wild en in gevangenschap.
- Bol, S.(20..). Redstripe Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus (Rossman, 1963) in the wild and in captivity. Litteratura Serpentium
- Bol, S. 2014. Redstripe Ribbon Snake Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus (Rossman, 1963) in the wild and in captivity. The Garter Snake 14(01): 26-36. (Part 1 of 2)
- Bol, S. 2017. A rare and fascinating species of garter snake: the Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake Thamnophis scaliger Jan, 1863. Litteratura Serpentium, jaargang 37, nummer 2, 53-76.
- Bol, S.(2018). A rare and fascinating species of garter snake: the Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake Thamnophis scaliger Jan, 1863, The Garter Snake 83: 16-51
- Paul Storm, 2018. Paul Storm, Biology lecturer, University Rotterdam. European Water Snakes and the competitive exclusion principle… Litteratura Serpentium 2018, Volume 38, No. 2, pp. 59-87.
- Bol, S. 2020: Mating activity and unusual mating behaviour in Thamnophis scalaris. The Garter Snake, 90: 29-33.
- Bol, S. 2020: Observations in the wild and in captivity on the Mexican Alpine Blotched Garter Snake Thamnophis scalaris Cope, 1861a– Litteratura Serpentium, jaargang 40, nummer 4, (jaargang 41, nummer 1.
Publications of others mentioned here . . .
- Conant, Roger, 2003. Observations on Garter Snakes of the Thamnophis eques Complex in the Lakes of Mexico’s Transvolcanic Belt, with Descriptions of New Taxa. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3406, 64 pp., 20 figures, 7 tables May 22, 2003
- Douglas A. Rossman, Neil B. Ford and Richard A. Siegel, 1996. The Garter Snakes: Evolution and Ecology (Animal Natural History Series) [Hardcover]
- Gregory, P.T., L.A. Gregory and J.M. Macartney, 1983. Color-pattern variation in
Thamnophis melanogaster. Copeia 1983:530-534 - Zwart, P., 1982. Thiaminase (antivitamine B1) in de slangenvoeding. Lacerta 40:96-97
- Brennan, T.C. & A.T.Holycross, 2009. A field guide to Amphibians and Reptiles in Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish department.
- Di Giandomenico, C., 2011. Erfahrungsbericht zur haltung von Thamnophis eques scotti (Conant 2003). The Garter Snake 16 (03): 9-18.
- Greenwald, D.N., 2003. Petition to list the Mexican Garter Snake, Thamnophis eques megalops, as an endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. Center for Biological Diversity Petitioner December 2003: 1-42.
- Gibbons, J.W. & M. E. Dorcas, 2004. North American Watersnakes. A natural history. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman. 1-438.