A small litter of Thamnophis eques patzcuaroensis, the Lake Pátzcuaro Garter Snake
Last week I had a small litter of Thamnophis eques patzcuaroensis, the Lake Pátzcuaro Garter Snake.
The mother was selected for the high amount of yellow tone.
The babies were quite big, between 26,8 – 29,9 cm total length.

Thamnophis eques patzcuaroensis, the Lake Pátzcuaro Garter Snake

Thamnophis eques patzcuaroensis, the Lake Pátzcuaro Garter Snake

Thamnophis eques patzcuaroensis, the Lake Pátzcuaro Garter Snake

Thamnophis eques patzcuaroensis, the Lake Pátzcuaro Garter Snake